Fedex Fight Nights have officially wrapped up, but we still hope to contribute to the community and urge everyone to keep the FGC growing productively in anyway they can!
This year's Evo 2010 is looking to be an incredible one! With over 2,000 entrants, it also marks its first SSFIV Women's Tournament. And FFN is proud to announce that we've sponsored Yameng Song to be apart of it. It's hard to say who might be top 8 in any category, but she's our pick for making it to the top in Women's! Let's show some support!
If you'd like to make any donations for her cause(funds going towards her stay, food, ect) You can donate here, and just leave a note 'For Yammy'. You can also leave some positive words and we'll be sure to pass them her way. :)
Finally, a big congrats to Shizza for winning the Farewell Fedex Fight Nights Party Tourney, which won him buy-in to Evo 2010. I'm positive we'll be seeing this guy crawling to the top of the pack as well! See you all there!
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