FFN Tournaments!

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June 10, 2010
Enemies Become Friends Tournament!

Rules and Info TBA.


May 20, 2010
Fedex Fight Nights SSF4 Tournament!

16 man roster
Entry Fee = $5
FORMAT: Winners and Losers brackets: 2/3 Rounds, Double elimination (best of 3 sets)
GRAND FINALS: Winners bracket champion only needs to win one set. Losers bracket champion must win two sets.

RULES: FFN's first official SSF4 singles tourney. You've had time to familiarize yourself with the new characters new ultras, changes and tweaks in this game, so you're ready for whatever. ...Right?

Players in winners bracket will be playing best of 3 sets. Winner of set must keep his character selection, however must alternate the selected ultra from previous set. Loser of the set must do the same, but has option of changing characters then freely chosing their ultra.

Losers bracket plays straight forward best of 3 sets, with no character or ultra selection changes permitted('rematch').

1st: $50 + Additional prizes
2nd: $10, Additional prizes
3rd: $5, Additional prizes


April 15, 2010
Fedex Fight Nights...Roll the Dice Tournament!

16 man roster
Entry Fee = $5
FORMAT: Winners AND Losers brackets: 2/3 Rounds, Double elimination (best 2 of 3 sets)
GRAND FINALS: Winners bracket champion only needs to win one set. Losers bracket champion must win two sets.

RULES: FFN bids farewell to the original SF4 this month by challenging you to showcase how well you’ve gotten to know its characters. Where in most tournaments players take their main all the way through, to play in this one, players must meet this requirement: Representing three characters in the course of the tourney.

Players must sign up with his three characters on this thread before April 15, 2010. The brackets will be released before the tournament with detailed info on each player's first, secondary, and tertiary characters, with color coordination to FFN supplied dice.
Both players roll to determine their character each match, win or lose. It's a game of chance within a game of skill. There will be uncommon character matches as players work their way to the top, and the champion will have displayed the knowledge and skill to be called FFN's overal best in Street Fighter IV!

Special note: Each of the player’s three selected characters should have been played through at least 1 set throughout the course of the tourney. So players have a special opportunity: A losers' bracket player in danger of knock out( 0:1 situation) is permitted one chance to use their main.

1st: $50 +CASH BONUS courtesy of Voltech Arcade Sticks, Additional prizes
2nd: $10, Additional prizes
3rd: $5, Additional prizes


March 18th, 2010
Fedex Fight Night 2v2 Tourney
8 Teams | $10/Team

RULES: Winners and Losers Brackets - Single Elimination.
Character selection - Same characters on one team is permited. You must stick with your character the entire tournament.

...But wait, a twist?!
In this 2v2 tournament your teammate is RANDOM!
16 people will need to sign up on the roster. You'll sign in and be randomly set into teams the night of the tourney. Have some time to discuss your game plan with your partner, and commence battle!

1st - $60 + Cash bonus courtesy of www.darricklazo.com, Additional prizes
2nd - $10, Additional prizes
3rd - gg


February 25, 2010

16 man roster
Entry Fee = $5
No Character change. Your character selected must be the same throughout the tourney.
Register character at time of check-in.
Winners brackets: Double elimination (best 2 of 3 sets)
Losers bracket: Single elimination (single set)

Winners bracket champion only needs to win one set
Losers bracket champion must win two sets

Choose your path carefully, warrior!
Random bracket guaranteed. At start of tournament players will be picking their first opponent from random "?" cards..


Jan. 28, 2010
The first of monthly Fedex Fight Nights Tournaments!

16 man roster
Entry Fee = $5
No Character change. Your character selected must be the same throughout the tourney.
Register character at time of check-in.
Winners brackets: Double elimination (best 2 of 3 sets)
Losers bracket: Single elimination (single set)

Winners bracket champion only needs to win one set
Losers bracket champion must win two sets

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Welcome to Fedex Fight Nights!

Fedex Fight Nights (FFN) were late-night Street Fighter IV casual sessions held in a Fedex Office conference room. Started by gamers wakasashe and risingtied, it was just a chill socal crew gaming till morning.

15901 Goldenwest St.
Huntington Beach, CA



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We appreciate any donation.